Interview Prep Coaching

Our interview prep package covers all the key points to consider and leaves no stone unturned in your interview preparation. Led by our team of seasoned experts, we provide personalized guidance and insider tips that will enable you to showcase your unique strengths, effectively communicate your value proposition, and outshine other candidates.




Entry Level


  • 60-Minute Zoom call
  • Interview Strategies
  • Storytelling Techniques
  • Body Language and Non-verbal Communication



  • 60 + 60 -Minute Zoom call (The mock interview is performed the next day to prepare you for what is told in the first 60 minutes)
  • Interview Strategies
  • Storytelling Techniques
  • Body Language and Non-verbal Communication
  • Before the trial interview, preliminary information is taken and a realistic interview environment is created
  • By providing detailed feedback, all deficiencies observed in the trial interview are reported and correction tips are given