What are the interview techniques and skills?

Most interviews fail because the interviewee is not well prepared.

Everyone who gets in the interview will be nervous, but if you can`t handle the pressure off this interview, the interviewer thinks you probably won`t be able to do the job.

But an interview doesn`t have to be daunting. The key to success is job interview preparation - because preparation will give you confidence.

Here are some interview techniques and skill tips to help you prepare for the job interview:

Five important interview techniques and skills


Do your homework. Find out everything you can about your potential employer, including the product range or services, last year`s annual report and who to work with. Don`t be too enthusiastic, but being able to haphazardly talk about the success of the interviewer or an acquaintance can make a big impression. (LinkedIn can be very helpful here).

Understand the market in which your potential employer operates and who its competitors are. If the company is a public entity, be aware of its share price and history.

2. Do you know your resume?

Finally the possibility that you start talking about your resume is too high. Make sure you can discuss any claims. Prepare concrete and detailed examples of the challenges you encounter using the context, action, result method (CAR): A condition that you are facing a difficulty, the action and the next result.

Make a list of all your strengths, skills and experiences. Add a few memories of times when you do something great as you solve a hard problem for a previous employer. Read your references for moral support and call a parent or close friend to tell you how much you deserve this role.

3. Do you know your weaknesses?

During the interview, interviewers want to learn about your weaknesses. These questions assess whether the candidate is suitable for this job. Consider and learn about your weaknesses that are not intended for the job to be taken before the interview. During the interview, he/she said, What are your weaknesses? when the question comes, you can easily give the necessary answer to the question, because you are preparing.

If the job description doesn`t quite match your qualifications and experience, make sure you can address those shortcomings. You can`t make things up, of course, but you may have skills that aren`t listed in the job ad. Find a way to show your competencies to what your potential employer might need.

4. Practice before interview

Job interview practice is important because it will help you feel confident and comfortable during your real interview and will ensure you are prepared to answer questions the interviewer asks. In addition to practicing your answers to interview questions, practicing for an interview also gives you time to make sure you prepare the outfit you want to wear, gather documents you need to bring with you to the interview and practice your posture, body language and eye-contact.

Encourage a friend or family member to ask you typical interview questions. This role-playing exercise is really useful. However, since this exercise is about learning to talk comfortably about you as a candidate for the job, don`t generate easy questions or fixed answers.

5. Relaxed attitude

The best candidates are those who go into an interview with a relaxed and upbeat attitude. Recruiters are not looking for candidates who have all the answers; they want to hire employees who are good problem solvers and are ready to try new ideas.

Trust yourself, but don`t be cocky. It`s a lot easier than talking about yourself outside of a job. Be positive, friendly and professional. Likewise, don`t be shy. The interviewer wants to see you, and what`s more, he wants you to succeed. Be prepared to talk about the learning curves you look forward to addressing.

Important of first impressions count

First impressions in an interview are extremely important. Research has shown that it can take less than a second for a person to form an opinion about you based on your physical appearance, body language, attitude, outfit and demeanor.

People have evolved to make huge assumptions about each other`s health, success, intelligence, competence, reliability, temperament and wealth based on first impressions, and changing them can be very difficult.

This is because we are less inclined to want to meet someone else again if we already have a negative opinion of them, and people also don`t like to admit that they were wrong at the beginning.

In the case of an interview, a potential employer decides whether to hire you to join their organization, so you need to be confident to convince yourself that you are worth it. Be conscious about exhibiting a positive body language that can often speak on an equal level with words.

Job interviews are an important step in getting what you want from your career, so it`s normal for you to feel a bit of tension ahead of a game.

But with the right interview techniques and skills, you can put your nerves behind you and show your future employer that you are the right candidate for the job.