The Benefit of Mock Interviews

If you are a job seeker, job interviews can be stressful, especially if you don’t feel that you are fully ready for it. A mock interview can be useful to reduce stress before you have a real one.

What is a Mock Interview

Let’s look at what is a mock interview for those who don`t know much about it. A mock interview, which can also be called a practice interview, is a kind of simulation of a real job interview. Mock interviews provide practice for the job seekers before having a real job interview and also provide feedback about their interviewing skills.

The job seekers put a big effort to search for a job, also to prepare their resume. But have they spent the necessary time prepping their interview skills? Besides these efforts, a mock interview is a “must” investment for a job seeker especially for the job seekers for the junior positions of the market.

A newcomer to the market needs experience in every aspect. A mock interview can provide this experience for a real job interview. A mock interview can help the job seeker learn about the way to answer specific interview questions, develop appropriate strategies for the real ones and improve communication skills, and reduce your stress by practicing all.

Who are the ones that really need mock interviews? Mostly the ones who deny they need help in that field, or fail to appreciate how much making practice interviews can improve their skills. Many people are afraid of public speaking and this causes fear of practicing with a partner and having a mock interview. In order to overcome all these fears, you should have a mock interview by experts, where you can get very useful feedback for you.

What are the benefits of a Mock Interview?

  1. Help candidates reduce their stress and anxiety before a real job interview. If you are a junior positions seeker, a newcomer or looking for a career change and feel that you are not ready to have an interview, mock interviews provide a great opportunity for you to gain confidence. The ones who are not sure about their speaking level, hard skills or the answers for the tricky behavioral questions, the mock interviews are just for you to improve these skill sets. The experienced and skilled person that conducts the mock interview can give you feedback about your responses if they are suitable for the questions or not. By this way, gaining experience and learning the proper answers for the questions reduce stress for the interviews.
  2. Help you boost your confidence. Not only learning about the answers of most common interview questions but also having feedback of your weaknesses and strengths feels comfortable for the real interviews. To be confident about your skills and knowing about do’s and undo’s for the interviews will make you perform better in an actual one.
  3. Provide you with useful feedback in a low-stress environment. In a real interview, it is not expected to have feedback about your interviewing abilities. Having a mock interview in a friendly atmosphere, can help you clarify responses to certain questions and help you work on areas where you may have weaknesses. So a mock interview is a perfect opportunity to help you to find your dream job.
  4. Help you prepare for behavioral-based interview questions. Many companies use “BI(Behavioral Interviewing)” questions to help them identify the proper candidates for their positions. If you are new to the market and have little or no experience of interviewing, it may be advantageous to have a practice run in a mock interview. Do not hesitate to take advantage of mock interviewing opportunities even if you think your skills and experience are enough for the market. There are always things that we need to improve when we really want to make a good impression on a prospective employer. How to Prepare for a Mock Interview

First of all, do not forget the expression that says, “train as you fight”. So take your mock interview as seriously as you would an actual interview. Get ready for the interview just as you would for an interview with a hiring manager.

  • Arrive enough time early, or if you have it online, open the link just on time.
  • Bring your resume and any other materials you would bring to a real interview. Or send them to the interviewer by email earlier.
  • Bring a notebook to take notes for the feedback of your mock interviewer.
  • Dress in Professional even if you have it online.

You should also search the general interview questions online before having mock interview and prepare answers for them.


Working with experts is very important to get proper and useful feedback from a mock interview. Korrogo Career, with its experienced personnel provides for its customer a perfect mock interview and also feedback. Also there is a record for all sessions of interviews and this gives the opportunity for the customer to watch again and see what they say and what they do correct or incorrect during the session.

Finally, if we consider the interview is only a match that you definitely need to win, you have to make sure you prepare well. And Korrogo Career provides the perfect opportunity to win the match.