20 Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

You may be well prepared for the job interview questions for a job interview. But you should also know what you should never say during a job interview.

You can be very well prepared for technical interview and behavioral interview questions. Or your past work experience may be very successful. But if you don`t pay attention to the job interview tips I`m going to talk about in a moment, your entire job interview preparation can be wasted by a few words. So let`s talk about what you should never say in a successful job interview.

1. “I forgot to bring my resume”

Make sure you have a copy of your resume with you when you go to the job interview. Even if you are doing the job interview online, have your resume with you. Job interview questions may be asked about the content of your resume.

2. “You got it wrong, I didn`t say that”

Instead of sentences like You got it wrong, sentences like I expressed it wrong will be more polite. Such an introductory sentence will seem more polite and will start you one step ahead of other candidates in the job interview. The employer also examines you behaviorally. Even if what you are saying is misunderstood, continue to be polite.

3. “I do not have much experience in this field, but …”

It might sound nice at first glance. In fact, you cannot say better than this that you are not an ideal candidate for this job. Even if you are inexperienced, only talk about your superiority. Try to bring job interview questions to areas where you are better off. Trust yourself and make it feel.

4. “You can check it from Resume”

If you came across a job interview question with the answer in your Resume, this would be the worst answer you could give. First of all, it can be perceived as disrespectful. At worst, repeat what is written in the resume. If you want a job interview tip, turn it into an opportunity and explain what you couldn`t tell when writing the resume before answering the job interview question.

5. “I have no weaknesses other than perfectionism”

It will be an answer that they hear too much. It has no distinctiveness. This cliché answer you give to this job interview question will not make you stand out from the other candidates and will give the impression that you can be an ordinary person. One more job interview tip for you; Instead, talk about a weakness you really overcame with its story.

6. “I really need this job”

To give this answer is an expression of despair. And it actually gives the impression that you are not good enough for the job. Instead, prepare for job interview questions and when you are the person they need.

7. “I want to work in one of the five famous companies as soon as possible”

Do not give the perception that you will use them as a step when answering job interview questions like where you see yourself after five years. Therefore, it would be better to say that I want to do better with you in five years. After five years, make you feel that you want to be permanent in the company by giving an answer like I would like to continue to contribute to the company in a senior position.

8. “There is no question I want to ask”

This job interview question is perhaps the most valuable of all. The worst answer would be to not ask questions. Now is the time to act. One more job interview question tip. Show exactly how much you`ve researched the company here. Or could not you search? Then you might ask what awaits me in three months.

9. “I Don’t Know”

This is a situation we might encounter in a job interview. Instead of saying I don`t know, an approach like I have no experience on this subject, but I am getting my grade and I will learn about it, I am really curious may be better.

10. “My boss was the cause of all the problems at the company”

This can show that you are not a very good match for the job. Many people wouldn`t want to see someone in their company who had a problem with their boss and couldn`t solve it. Of course, you may have had a problem with your boss. But the fact that you have solved this by communication can put you ahead of other candidates who have never had any problems.

11. “What’s The Title of the Role?”

Record your job applications in a file. In this file, there should be titles such as which company, which role, and when you applied. More applications can bring more success. In order to be able to follow up, you should record every job application.

12. “That’s a good question!”

Recruiters don`t wonder if job interview questions are of good quality. They wait for answers to their questions without wasting time. Perhaps it makes more sense to ponder or repeat the question in silence.

13. “Um, Ah, So, You Know”

The filling words you will use while answering the job interview questions during the job interview can be perceived by the recruiters as a lack of trust and communication. Getting rid of the filling words won`t be that easy at first. Preparing for your answers to job interview questions in advance will help you relax in this regard. But never answer by memorization. Record your answers as you prepare for job interview questions, and then listen to this recording. Be careful not to use the frequently used filling words again.

14. “I think I should ask your name again”

Do not do this. Make sure to take note of the names of the people you meet at the first meeting and when you meet them again, address them by name. Here is another very important job interview tip for you. Address recruiters by name to make them feel both careful and intelligent.

15. “Can I have feedback?”

If you are not in the final round, you will not get much positive feedback. This can bother you a bit and leave a negative impression. You do not want to face negative bias when you apply to the same company in the future. Also, there is little chance of getting honest feedback during the job interview. So instead of asking for feedback at the end of the job interview, you can get more feedback by email the next day. Job interviewers will be more comfortable answering this question via Email.

16. “I can code very fast and I love to read books”

Don`t add an extra topic next to the topic that will help you get the job. Your hobbies will not be of much interest to the recruiter. In addition, it will reduce the importance of the main issue. So it will be distracting. In the job interview, clearly state your qualities that will make you stand out from other candidates.

17. “How much vacation time do I get?”

During the job interview, your aim should be to give them reasons to accept you. It`s too early to ask this question. Yes, the job interview is two-way and you can choose the company. But maybe you can ask this later and review your decision. Our priority should be to pass this stage.

18. “I am planning to start my own business as soon as possible”

Do not think that at the end of this sentence they will think that you are a person who constantly improves yourself. They think you will use the company as a stepping stone and they don`t want to invest in you. If you come across a question that requires this answer in the job interview, prepare an answer stating that you will be permanent in the company. Of course, this stage is enough for me and if you have come to gain job interview experience only, the first answer will be enough for you to be eliminated.

19. “What is the salary”

In a job interview, this question will eventually be asked by the company. If you act early and try to find out the amount, you will feel that materiality is more important than anything else. When this question is asked by the company, you can express the average amount you get from job search sites. But it will also be useful to state that you are open to negotiation.

20. “I guessed you would ask this question”

Stating that you have anticipated the question may not mean you are intelligent. Even if you are prepared for the job interview question, answer it confidently as if you heard it for the first time. But just answer the question. It will be much more effective to give a good answer to the job interview question without revealing that you guessed it.

The recruiting process is difficult and arduous. It can be difficult to manage this process without technical and professional support. For much more than what is described in this article (Linkedln account setup, resume creation, interview tips and mock interview, and more), you can get support by contacting Korrogo Career.